Year 4 Blogging tips
Hi Year 4 we hope you are all staying safe, staying at home and enjoying some of the tasks we have set you.
Just a couple of tips on responding to the tasks you have been set:
Rather than just typing into the comments if you can save your work as a word document and then copy and paste it into the comments, that will work much better.
Also, can you set yourself up an email address on here using your name, for example
Hopefully you are all able to access the blog and are giving your tasks a go! Don’t stress if you haven’t yet, do them when you can.
Mrs Baldry, Mrs Denny and Miss Bishop
Hi Kristers email is
Many thanks
Kristers mum
He needs to use this when he is blogging, there are blogs on today and yesterday. He will love the maths one.
Thanks Mrs Denny
Where can I sent Kristers answers?
Many thanks
Comments section at the end of the blog. Armands is doing this so maybe ask him to help you
Hi Teachers,
Is it ok if girls do the work on paper and then take a photo and send it as its a struggle sharing.
Good morning. Completely understand. This would be brilliant. Thanks Mrs Denny
Hi Mrs Denny
Parina has sent some work to the year four email address.
Please let us know you have received it.
Thank you
I have sent you a reply to your email. Thank you so much
should I send u my email or granddads hers my one and granddads is
Why do we need your email Rihanna. I’m confused!