Tuesday 24th March – RE – Year 6
Use the websites below to watch some clips about Sikh worship:
Write a diary entry imagining that you have spent the day in a Gurdwara. Remember to include important steps in worship, key vocabulary and feelings.
In the comments box, write a fact about Sikh worship that either surprised you or made you want to find out more.
Dear diary,
I have spent the day in a Gurdwara we did many things I saw the Guru Granth Sahib which is their holy book which is usually placed under a canopy or Channai. I also figured that there is someone whom stands over the book with a fan named chair even young children are allowed to wave it over the Guru Granth Sahib. The whole service is lead by a an called Giani. We go up to the book and put money in a box or sompething valuable. At the end the Giani uses a knife to collect the sweets we pray and then eat them it show we are all equal within what we eat.
I was surprised that not only adults use the chauri but children do to
Dear diary,
Today I visited a gudwara that vid 500 years old in this gudwara we keep our holy book know as the Guru Granth Sahib. It is kept under a special canopy or channani.When it’s in coverd someone stands over it using a special fan called Chauri
Dear diary,
Today i went to the gudwara in India i spent the day there it was great it tort me that sihks are all treated the same.We all sat on the floor and we got given some food. But before we got the food it got blest. There was a special fan called Chauri young sihks could use it is well. That explains why everyone is equal.
Dear diary,
Today was interesting . I spent the day in the (only) Gudwara in London it was really fun and I learned a lot of new things . Just like it doesn’t matter who or what person you are you are equal with everyone.
When I first walked in with my friend – Ganieal – we were both told to sit down , then we were given some food but it was blessed before we were given it. It was really good ! I saw the Guru Gobith Sahib, he was wearing a white and orange turban and he sat at the front. I saw the Sikhs holy book it was under a conapy or channi.Itb wa really thick.
Great research year 6 – well done.
Dear diary,
I’ve just spent a day at the Gurdwara and is was awesome; i enjoyed my time there. During my time at the Gurdwara I attended the service the Giani was reading from the Guru Granth Sahib ; I also met many people who have joined the Khalsa and taught me about the five Ks the Kesh, Kangaha ,Kara , Kirpan and Kachera . After the service I sat and enjoyed langar[food] after making an ofering at the Guru Granth Sahib, I had a great day .
Dear diary,
Today I visited the Gurdwara, I entered it through one of its four doors.
I had a bath before I left home and had to take my shoes off when I went inside to pray to show my respect. The Giani read the Gurugranith sahib, It almost sounded like chanting or singing as we prayed it kind of made me want to laugh at first, but I soon felt clam and relaxed.
I was suprised to find out the once the holy book is opened someone has to fan it constantly.
Why did you find that surprising Ryan?
I have been trying to get on the links but they are not working even mum could not get them to work
Have you tried copying them and pasting them into the web bar?