Reception Home Learning 23 March

Dear children

What an exciting week it was last week…who would have thought that the eggs from the Natural History Museum hatched!  We did not find the baby dinosaurs last week but will be going into school this week to set some traps that Dr Edward Smith is going to send us.  He has an important job in London and is unable to visit Northampton at the moment but hopefully we will be able to catch them for him.

The cracked eggs

Even though you are at home you still need to do your learning – please make sure that you take care and do it as well as you possibly can.

Independent job

Talk about how the little lost baby dinosaur must be feeling?  (Worried, scared, hungry?)  Think of a kind thing you could say to the dinosaur…say it out loud and then write at least one kind sentence in a message to the dinosaur. (Children should sound out their words and will write down phonetically)

Phonics – please see page on how to support your child with phonics and e-mail us on to confirm which column you should use 

All – Say all the sounds on the sounds sheet sent home in the pack



Use your fingers to work out all the number bonds to 10 (1 finger down 9 up, 2 down 8 up etc)

Show your grown up how you use part part whole to do addition (have 2 single digit numbers to add (you could cut out numicon or use buttons/beads etc)).  There is a part part whole template in the pack – copy into books and children should write the numbers to be added in the bottom 2 circles and the total in the top circle.  Extension activity would be to also ask them to write out a number sentence – 8 add 6 is 14.

Speech and language

Go outside, if possible, and find an interesting object, plant, animal.  Describe it in full sentences using as many exciting words as possible!

Physical activities

Using a sharp pencil draw your interesting object, plant, animal in detail – remember to use your observational skills and draw what you can see and not what is in your imagination.  (an extension is to label the drawing)



Ask your grown up to make themselves a drink and when they are sitting down read your school reading book to them.  (If that’s not enough you could then help them with some of the rocket words/100 high frequency words).

We will let you have Tuesday’s tasks on Monday night so that you can prepare for them.  Let us know how you get on and remember to stay in  touch using the e-mail above, on Tapestry or by leaving a comment on this page.

The Reception Team x






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