Year 6 – Thursday 30th September

Morning Challenge:

Please complete the times table grid below:



Below is a picture of a suitcase that a child may take with them when they are being evacuated.

What can you see in the suitcase?

Why do you think each of them items have been packed?

Would you pack anything different? Why?



Read the next part of the text:


Cliff and me spent the weekend packing: underclothes, nightclothes, sweaters, socks, toothbrushes, combs. Though it still didn’t seem right to be leaving, I couldn’t deny the odd twinge of excitement. It’d been quite boring really, staying behind in London. The only people left on our street these days were babies, women and grumpy old men: there weren’t even enough kids to play a game of hopscotch. I missed my classmates. There were even times when I’d missed going to school.

Who knew where we’d be this time next week? Perhaps I’d make some new friends and Cliff might find himself a dog willing to sleep at the foot of his bed.

Mum told me to limit the books I took.

“Just take three,” she said. “You won’t be able to carry your case otherwise.”

But wanting all my favourites with me, I couldn’t choose, so I packed five when she wasn’t looking. I also took the seashell Dad had once given me, that sat on my window and had the sound of waves in it when you put it to your ear.

Once packed, we checked our things off from the list our local billeting officer had given out and which’d been unread in the kitchen drawer since the war began. The official government information said we had to wear school uniform for our journey. After a year at the back of our wardrobe, Cliff’s short trousers hung high above his knees, and my pinafore would barely do up. There was also the question of my winter coat, which looked decidedly shabby.

“I can’t send you off looking like that,” Mum said, eyeing me critically. “You’d better have my smart one. It’s decent and warm, and it’s silly not to make use of it.”

Even so, I almost didn’t take it. The smell on the collar was Sukie’s smell, and it made a lump come to my throat. Yet when I put the coat on and turned back the cuffs a bit, I could almost imagine how she’d felt that night wearing it: strong and brave. By the time I went to bed on Sunday night, I was almost looking forward to the morning.


Can you pick out the things that Olive and Cliff packed?

Here is a list of items that the government suggested that children take with them:


Can you turn this list of items into an information leaflet or page which will help evacuees pack their suitcase?




Watch the videos below and then have a go at the questions underneath. For an extension, have a look at the challenge link.


  1. 814,621 + 442,410 =
  2. 461,591 + 821,291 =
  3. 241,430 + 410,320 =
  4. 293,032 + 309,139 =
  5. 678,876 + 543,765 =
  6. 682,201 – 234,052 =
  7. 491,592 – 213,465 =
  8. 395,491 – 34,983 =
  9. 148,313 – 65,124 =
  10. 985,521 – 963,736 =

Addition and Subtraction Challenge



Have a think about these questions about chocolate:

Do they enjoy it? What is your favourite chocolate? Do you know where chocolate comes from?

Watch these 3 clips. Whilst you do, think about what is happening and whether these children are getting their rights.

After you have watched them, write a paragraph about what you have learned in relation to the rights of children living in Ghana. 



3 thoughts on “Year 6 – Thursday 30th September

  • 30th September 2021 at 10:15 am


    I can see paper and a pencil so they can keep in contact with their parents, a book so they don’t get bored, a gas mask, woolly scarf and gloves to keep warm, a name tag so the people they get sent to knows what their name is and a teddy bear that they can snuggle with.

    I think the book was there so they don’t get bored. I also think the teddy bear is packed so they can keep some memories from their real parents. The paper and pencil must have been packed so they can write letters to their parents. They have name tags packed because the people they get sent to wont know their name and personality.

    I would pack a few board games just incase I get bored of reading. I would also pack some woolly socks incase my other socks get wet and my feet get cold.

  • 30th September 2021 at 12:04 pm


    1. 1,257,031
    2. 1,282,911
    3. 703,750
    4. 602,171
    5. 1,222,637
    6. 448,149
    7. 677,727
    8. 360,507
    9. 83,189
    10. 21,785

    Challenge: i have done the challenge on paper, it will be sent by email with my other work on paper.

  • 30th September 2021 at 4:22 pm


    Yes I enjoy chocolate. Milk chocolate is my favourite chocolate. I don’t know where chocolate comes from.

    In Ghana, they don’t have the same rights as us, they live in dirty houses and have to sleep on the floor. They don’t have clean water like us, and children don’t have to work here in England, which is very sad for them because they worker harder and harder every day. Their clothes are very dirty and aren’t as clean as ours nowadays.


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