Secret Scientist’s Daily Challenge
Science is all around us all day long and we don’t always see it!
My challenge for you today is to find three things that float! You could do this in school or when you get home. Leave your three things in the comments and let’s see how many things we can find together!
I found: 1) A leaf
2) A feather
3) A cork
Good luck!
Year 2 Wilkinson class think
1) A rubber duck
2) A balloon
3) A ball
1) A leaf 🍁
2) A hair
3) A paper 📝
1) lollypop stick
2) ping-pong ball
3) pen lid
The things that float are:
Plastic bottle with lid shut
thermocol material
The things that float are:
Plastic bottle with lid shut
thermocol material
those are mine.
I have found
A sponge
Plastic lunch box