KS2 Real PE at Home- Week 7 (Half Term)
Now that you all have your personalised login for the Create Development Jasmine Active Home portal we can now start to set you fun challenges and games that you can try at home by yourself or with other family members. To access the portal you just need to follow this link (Jasmine Home Portal) and type in your personalised username and password.
This week it is your turn to choose your Real PE at Home games and activities, and play these games with your family throughout the week. Remember those of you who share you PE work at home and show great creativity, enthusiasm and commitment maybe awarded with the Real PE at Home Star of the Week Award.
As always please feel free to contact the PE team if you have any questions about the Jasmine Active Home portal on the PE email (pe@lingsprimary.org.uk).
Have fun, stay active and can’t wait to see you exploring Jasmine Active at Home.