English (Writing) – Friday 5th February

Puck has received a letter!

It is from the committee who oversee life in the forest.

Your task is to help Puck read the letter and write a reply.

The letter asks for information about Puck’s actions and his reasons for them.

To remind you about what Puck does, the link below contains an animated version of the play. Feel free to watch it.





22 thoughts on “English (Writing) – Friday 5th February

  • 5th February 2021 at 10:42 am

    yes I am responsible and i’m the servent of Oberon I have not much part into this situation

    • 5th February 2021 at 12:18 pm

      Hello Kiran

      Can Puck blame Oberon for everything? Did he do some of it himself? Try to write a more detailed letter explaining all his actions.

      Mr Bushell

  • 5th February 2021 at 11:22 am

    dear puck my advice for u is to say you did not do this and if u would of done it why would of u done it on Lysander u would of done it on demutruis so then he would love helana and hermia and helana would not fight because the where best friends then hermia has to marry demutruis otherwise she would die so she is kinda stuck and it is a big mess because Lysander has the love serum and u could say why would I do that
    with all my hopes of good luck puck

    • 5th February 2021 at 12:16 pm

      Hello Imaobong

      You have some good ideas here. Can you write it in sentences and include capital letters and full stops. This will help make your ideas really clear. Try to write the proper words too, such as “you” instead of “u”. This will make it feel like a proper letter.

      Mr Bushell

  • 5th February 2021 at 11:37 am

    My master Oberon told me to drop the juice of the flower in there eyes therfore I did since he is the king of the fairies.

    • 5th February 2021 at 12:14 pm

      Hello George

      Was any of it Puck’s fault? Did Oberon tell him to do everything or did Puck do some things himself?

      Mr Bushell

  • 5th February 2021 at 12:33 pm

    The King, Oberon told me to find the magical flower and put the juice on people’s eyelids. So i was doing what I was told. When I put the magic on Lysander’s eyes I thought it was Demetrius so that was a total accident. I didn’t mean for things to go wrong. I am sorry for making mistakes. – Puck

    • 5th February 2021 at 1:47 pm

      Hello Cody

      This would be a great part of the letter. You show a good understanding of the story.

      What about the things that Puck can’t blame Oberon for? Turning Nick Bottom’s head into that of a donkey? How would you explain that?

      Mr Bushell

  • 5th February 2021 at 12:49 pm

    No! This shant’ve been me! Your forces of this ‘Forest Comitee’ are blind! But I witnessed who did it. The Donkey headded actor of the name Bottom! He poured the juice of this flower into every sleeping human he could’ve seen!
    Yours Sincerley

    • 5th February 2021 at 1:48 pm

      You’ve gone straight in and lied! Interesting! Do you think Puck could give real reasons for any of his actions? Is it his fault?

  • 5th February 2021 at 1:14 pm

    Dear Forest Committee,

    I am writing in response to your letter and my recent actions in the forest. I understand, I have caused concern amongst some of your members. I am responsible for the upset experienced by recent visitors from the nearby city of Athens. Please let me to explain my actions.

    The first action was an acquisition of ”love-in-idleness” flower by me. I was actually asked to get the flower by the king of fairies – Oberon. He noticed two visitors from Athens, who were arguing. One loved the other, while the other hated her. She followed the boy everywhere, but he didn’t love her. Oberon decided to help the girl and make the boy to fall in love with her. So he gave me the job to put the flower on two Athenians’ eyes. He wasn’t clear who they actually were. I had to look for some random people in the forest. I’m sorry, I didn’t know how they looked, how I am supposed to know it?

    The other stories you’ve heard about the actor visiting, whose head was replaced by donkey’s head and then Queen Titania being made in love with a hideous creature, it was all Oberon’s idea. It wasn’t my fault to cause large harm to them. I was only asked to bring the flower. Agin I acted on the king’s orders.

    I know, I am a bit cheeky, but it wasn’t all my fault.
    I am truly sorry for my actions, but I did this in the name of love. I didn’t mean any harm, I just tried to help and followed the king’s orders. I belong to the woods, the land of the fairies, and want to live peacefully with others. I hope you understand my point of view.

    Yours sincerely,

    • 5th February 2021 at 1:51 pm

      Absolutely brilliant Alex! A terrific letter.

      You have written in a great style which is appropriate to this kind of letter and you show a great understanding of the play.

      I love the fact that Puck admits to being cheeky. Great last paragraph!

      Mr Bushell

  • 5th February 2021 at 1:49 pm

    Dear forest committee.
    I am sorry for the situation that is happening but part of it was not my fault. My master, Oberon, told me to get a flower that could make a person fall in love with the first living thing they see. He told me to then put it on the eyes of an Athenian man, however I found the wrong one. He said “an Athenian man is here in the forest, put the juice on his eyes” so I did, but it was the wrong man. Oberon didn’t tell me what he was wearing but I also didn’t ask when I probably should have. I did other things too but I made them right again.

    Yours sincerely

    • 5th February 2021 at 1:55 pm

      Hello Max

      Love this, I really like the way you refer to lines from the play that characters have said.

      Could Puck blame Oberon for everything? What about the donkey’s head put on Nick Bottom?

      You are developing a good letter style.

      Mr Bushell

  • 5th February 2021 at 2:34 pm

    Dear forest committee

    oops I didn’t mean to make anyone upset o and its not all my fault its Oberon he but me up to this.
    And I didn’t mean to turn Nick Bottom head into a donkey so i am sorry that this happend and I cant promies you it wont happend again because of my master he wanted me to go find that flower so I hat to so I don’t die I think he wanted to make a joke about it but it has gone wrong so I am sorry I about the situation I hope you will understand what I am saying I am so sorry

    • 5th February 2021 at 2:50 pm

      Hello Alice

      You have some really good ideas here. Look to reread it and make sure that your sentences are clear. Don’t forget capital letters and full stops.

      Mr Bushell

  • 5th February 2021 at 2:41 pm

    English writting

    Dear the forest committe

    Im sorry for the chaos I have caused. I did roam the forest in search of the purple flower to make the love potion. I accidentally put it on Lysander instead of Demetrius. I later realized I put it on the wrong person so I went out to put it on Demetrius . I did it all because my king (Oberon) ordered me to put it on a man where Athenian clothing and they were both wering Athenian clothing.
    I have reversed some of my actions because I realized they were wrong.

    From puck

    • 5th February 2021 at 2:48 pm

      Good effort Mia.

      You have explained things clearly and in a polite way.

      Mr Bushell

  • 5th February 2021 at 3:01 pm

    Hello the committee,

    As you see, Oberon, my master, told me to do a lot of things and I didn’t realise what I was doing. I know that this not right but it should stop so I will try to do it. I have behaviour that you don’t like but as I promise, I will improve my life. I want to stop but I can’t!

    Just accept my Behaviour please.

  • 5th February 2021 at 3:15 pm

    My dearest forest committee
    i am writing to you regarding the u have a aued me of
    i am a mastivios creatuor
    but i am a human so u serpect me but oberon help me
    i can admit i did i turned him into a donkey head so what is the conuseqes going to be

    i tryed my hardest but i didnt get it that much even after the talk

  • 5th February 2021 at 5:40 pm


    Dear forest committee’s
    My actions are mostly controlled by Oberon king of the fairies. He told me to put the juice of a flower onto a athienians eyes. Then I put it on the wrong persons eyes. So then I put it back on the person this time the right person then squeezed the juice and messed everything up. I think I should clean this mess up. I am sorry of what i,ve done.

    From Puck.


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