Reception Home Learning – Wednesday 3rd February

Good morning everyone

Well I told you I would keep you updated if Mrs Tucker got in touch to tell me how Puk is getting on in school, well she sent me this video and I thought I would share it with you – it seems that Puk is getting on well so far…

Well, what did you think about that? Things are getting even more exciting now because today you are all going to be like William Shakespeare and do some amazing writing.  You are going to use some of those exciting words that you thought of to describe The Forest and Titania and use them in some exciting descriptive sentences.  Puck is in school with the children there and is enjoying seeing how they all do their learning.  It’s nice having him with us.  Today he is going to help you with your maths but like William Shakespeare and do your phonics!

Group A

Group B

Group C

Reading for this week


This week we have been using exciting words to describe The Magical Forest and Titania.  Today, I’d like you to choose some of those words to write some interesting sentences.  Try and write two sentences about the forest and two more about Titania.  You will need to use the words that you thought of over the past two days.


Starter – please choose session 3

Main – Puck and I are using special orbs for counting on today; remember to put the first number into your head and count on.

Physical Development

Remember to look on yesterday’s blog for new PE challenges.  But this is a fine motor activity that you can practise everyday!  Many children arrive in Reception not being able to use a knife and fork properly so we help them to do this at school.  Our little pre-school helper Harrison is here to show you how it is done!


Still on the fairy theme Mrs Whitestone is telling us how to catch The Tooth Fairy!  Has she visited you recently?  I think her dog is going to enjoy the story too!

Have a great day everyone!

The Reception Team

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