Real Leaders Training- Week 5

This weeks Real Leaders training took a different focus as we started to look at the term ‘competition.’ The word competition can cause a number of issues in PE and School Sport and as a young leader you are responsible for helping make the word competition appealing to all in some way.

Activity 1- Discussions about the word ‘Competition’

This first activity was a discussion tasks, the leaders put themselves into four groups and discussed what they though the word competition meant. Some of the ideas that came from these discussions were:

  • It is a competitive situation and environment
  • It is when you compete in a task with a group or on your own
  • It is when you compete against another person

The next discussion topic was ‘what are your thoughts and feeling about competition?’ The leaders here discussed their own experiences and mindsets when it comes to competing in competitions. Some of the ideas that emerged from these discussions were:

  • I love competing as I like to beat other people 
  • I like competition as it give me the chance to test myself against others
  • I am not the biggest fan of competitions
  • I prefer if competitions focus on me improving 

Both of these questions raised a number of interesting points of discussion as the majority spoke about competition a competitive environment where they were put against others and spoke about liking this idea of beating some. However, it was interesting to here we had some with a different approach and it lead on to the next activity well.

Activity 2- Healthy Competition 

We introduced the leaders to two new term, ‘Healthy Competition & Unhealthy Competition.’ The leaders had to discuss what they think each term meant and thought about example. Some of the ideas that emerged from these discussions were:

  • Healthy competition is when the competition is fair to all 
  • Healthy competition is when there is a chance of success for all 
  • Healthy competition is when each teams gains some form of success
  • Healthy competition is when all parts of the competition are even (ages, ability etc)
  • Unhealthy competition is when the competition is unfair
  • Unhealthy competition is when parts of the competition are uneven (ages, ability etc)
  • Unhealthy competition is when the focus of the competition is win at all cost

Activity 3- Types of competitions

The leaders then used the game matching pairs to explore the three different types of competitions which are:

  • Head to Head
  • Personal Best
  • Co-operative

The leaders experience each form of the game and discussed which form of competition they preferred and why. After experiencing all three there was a definite switch in their preference and all of the leaders saw the benefits to each form of competition.

Activity 4- Adapting and Adjusting for different Ages

Mr Davies then introduced some key features that a leader needs to be able to adapt and adjust during their leadership practices to be able to appeal to different age groups of children. The leaders then experienced a game aimed at reception children and they discussed how the game was different to the original focusing on what Mr Davies did to adjust the game. The leaders then experienced a year 7 game and had the same discussion.

Review Questions

  1. What is a Healthy Competition and why is it important?
  2. Can you provide a definition of each of the three forms of competition?
  3. When adapting and adjusting a game what are the four key elements that you as a leader need to be able to change?

9 thoughts on “Real Leaders Training- Week 5

  • 8th December 2020 at 12:54 pm

    1. Its fair and is important so can be achieved
    2.healthy- fair unhealthy- not fair.
    3.Organization, teamwork, eye-contact, encourage

  • 8th December 2020 at 1:00 pm

    1) A healthy competition is important because it needs to be there to make it fun and fair!
    2) A Head to Head competition is when you compete AGAINST someone
    A co-operative competition is when you work with the person you would compete against in a Head to Head competition
    A Personal Best competition is when you try beat YOUR previous scores
    3) Language, physical challenge mental challenge and your involvement

  • 8th December 2020 at 1:00 pm

    1. A healthy competition is were a group of people is a against a other group of people a its fair the age are similar.
    2. A head to head competition is where you are against a someone.
    A co-operative competition is where you remove the idea of teams.
    A personal competition is where you try to beat your own score.
    3.language,physical challenge ,mental challenge and involvment

  • 8th December 2020 at 1:04 pm

    1) A healthy competition is were its fair
    2) a) co-operative competition is were there’s one team to get the best score (2) b) head to head is were its a whole team or one against you (2) c) personal best is were you try and beat your score
    3) vocabulary, physical and mental challenge and involvement

  • 8th December 2020 at 1:05 pm

    1. A healthy competition is where you are playing someone the same age as you it is good to have a healthy competition so it is not an impossible task.
    2. Head to head is when you one v one somebody in a competition.
    co-operative competition is when you work together with peer.
    Personal best is when you are trying to beat your high score on something.
    3. You have to change your physical challenge mental challenge invovment to help others and your vocabulary.

  • 8th December 2020 at 1:05 pm

    1. healthy competition is were the age group and abilities are similar this is important as it wouldn’t be faire for other groups.
    2. head to head : you are against some one in a competition.
    co – operative skills : working together as a team.
    personal best : you try to beat your score in a verity of things
    3. Involvement, physical, mental and vocab challenges.

  • 8th December 2020 at 4:15 pm

    A healthy composition is when your playing a game and it’s all fair and no one cares if you win or lose its important because of the people your playing against can be younger and less experience.the three forms of competition are head to head,personal best and co operated.we need to be able to change are language,movement,actions and vioce.

  • 9th December 2020 at 7:11 pm

    1. A healthy competition is when everything is fair and nobody is cheating.
    2. Head to head=Literally being head to head against each other.
    Co-operative=Working and helping each other as a team.
    Personal=When you try to beat your personal score.
    3. Actions, voice, physical and mental challenge also involvement.

  • 10th December 2020 at 8:31 am

    1: Healthy Competition is where everything is fair and people follow the rules.
    Head to Head: When you play against another player/team.
    Personal Best: When you try to beat your own score.
    Co-Operative: When you have to work together in order to win.
    3: Movement, Task, Communication, Difficulty.


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