Thursday 11th June – Year 5

Good morning Year 5 – I hope you are all well.

Here is your learning for today:


Continue to practise any of the Year 3-4 words that you spelt incorrectly last week. Thank you to everyone who did complete these tasks last week and let me know their spelling scores. If you didn’t do this, look back at last week’s posts and test yourselves on the words.


Starting today (and continuing tomorrow) I’d like you to begin creating an explanation text that explains how chocolate is made. It should cover all of the steps/processes. On Tuesday, you looked at the first few stages and yesterday, you looked at the following stages and began planning. Today, I’d like you to bring all of that together for the final piece of writing which covers ‘Bean to bar’.  You can choose how you would like to do this – just blog, write it down on paper or create a powerpoint. The choice is yours!

If you are writing this on paper or using IT, it allows for more flexibility about how you design your piece of writing. Explanation texts usually include pictures/diagrams which help to explain the written part of your piece. The following are possible examples of how you might lay it out on paper:

This idea however, would need more detailed writing from you than the example.

Here is another example. Explanation texts can include numbered steps, bullet points, arrows showing a cycle of steps – the layout is up to you. The above are only ideas – you can choose to use them or follow your own ideas. You will need to include the vocabulary that you have learnt over the last 2 days (the technical language for the steps) and details of what happens in each step.

Tomorrow, I will ask you to continue and complete this task. I want to see as many as possible so if you can either photograph your work (when it is finished tomorrow) or attach it to an e mail that would be fabulous.


Carrying on with some revision of decimals, we will look at rounding decimals today. The following link will give you some revision if you have forgotten what to do:

There is no need to do the sheet on this link, as I’d like you to complete the following questions about rounding decimals:

When you have finished, check your answers in the link below and let me know how you did. As always, blog or e mail me with any questions you may have.

Maths – Thursday answers


We have all had to adjust to a new way of life since Coronvirus came into our lives and we had to deal with lockdown. It has made many of us feel worried, stressed and anxious – and that’s O.K. It is definitely a strange and worrying time for lots of people.  Lockdown is beginning to be eased for some people, but that can still worry some people.

There are lots of ways that we can help ourselves to remain positive – for example, I find that going for a daily power walk really helps to clear my mind and I feel much fitter and positive. I also find that having a good night’s sleep helps and so does having goals about what I want to achieve in a day, rather than waste the extra time we have.

I’d like you to create a poster showing hints and tips to your classmates, who may be feeling anxious, about things they could possibly do to feel less anxious. What has helped you? How are you filling you time? Have you taken up a new skill/craft? What things do you think about to feel more positive?

Remember that TALKING is one of the best ways to feel less anxious. I am always here (via e mail or the blog) if you want to talk about how you are feeling or ask me any questions. A reminder of the e mail address:

Take care,

Mrs Millard and Mrs Munro XX

22 thoughts on “Thursday 11th June – Year 5

  • 11th June 2020 at 9:41 am

    Today I’m talking about making chocolate
    Stap number one is you need a coco tree
    pick one then take all the seeds out wash the cocoa beans then you need to leave them out in the sun for a while .next step is you need to grind them up then add sugar to make a fluffy consistency the put in another machine to leave for 12 hours until smooth and silky,glossy material type.Then you put it in a mold then leave to set in the fridge for a couple of hours auntil hard consistency .we need to go to another machine to put the rappers on then enjoy.!!😁

    • 11th June 2020 at 3:27 pm

      Hi Evie,

      Not bad – you included time conjunctions to link your steps together.

      I do think that a bit more detail would have made your piece of writing much more interesting – you usually write in greater detail in school!

      Did you include technical terms for the steps – tempering, conching, harvesting etc?
      Also, check your work to make sure that you have used capital letters and full stops accurately.

      Mrs Millard XX

  • 11th June 2020 at 10:51 am

    Sorry Miss I can’t do the spelling Because my sister is doing her work and she can’t help because it’s very important and my mum is at work and my dad is at work sorry

    • 11th June 2020 at 3:23 pm

      Hi Jessica,

      Don’t worry – practise them when you can.

      Mrs Millard XX

  • 11th June 2020 at 10:56 am

    Hello Mrs Millard,I did all on both the first 2 columns And I got 52/54 😄❤️
    Xx my mum will email you the rest of my work

    • 11th June 2020 at 3:28 pm

      Hi Lydia,

      Was that your spellings? Well done!

      Mrs Millard XX

      • 11th June 2020 at 6:25 pm

        Yes sorry i forgot to say its my spellings.

        • 11th June 2020 at 6:27 pm

          Thank you!

  • 11th June 2020 at 11:59 am

    1. 162
    2. 32
    3. 7.1
    4. 256
    5. You round the hundredth then you round the tenth
    6. 3 5. 7
    7. 1. 10. 2
    9. 10.00. 2.10
    10. 7.2. because at the end of 7.21 there’s 1 hundredth it isn’t 56789 so you can’t round it.
    11. 7.4. 3.0. 4.4
    12. 6.0 10.0 4.0
    13. 9.00 she doesn’t need the 5 tents
    14. 7.0. and 8

    • 11th June 2020 at 3:33 pm

      Hi Dhanshri,

      Did you mark them?

      Check question 2 – remember to find 1/7 and then multiply by 3.
      Did you miss question 8?
      Check question 9.
      Question 10 – you do round it – as it a 1, you round it down.
      Check 11c

      Great work today – well done.

      Mrs Millard XX

  • 11th June 2020 at 12:27 pm

    1 162
    2 10
    3 7.1
    4 1234

    • 11th June 2020 at 3:34 pm

      Hi Cyran,

      I presume this is your Maths??
      A good start – did you mange to finish the sheet?

      Mrs Millard XX

  • 11th June 2020 at 1:05 pm

    How to make chocolate.

    firstly you have to get the cocoa beans from the cocoa tree. Then you clean them make sure all the sticks and stones are removed. Next you put them in a powerful magnetic trap to take all of the metal
    out. After that you put it in a roaster it is heated up about 160 degrees and the beans are roasted for about 30 minutes. then you have to separate it’s shell from it’s you have to crack open the beans and an precise amount of air is blown through the mixture.inside of the beans is called nibs it is the core ingredient to the chocolate. the nibs are grounded two ways grinder number one results in a thick paste grinder number two produces pure liquid the refiner brakes down all the partials in the chocolate for a smooth constancy it goes in it two times.The cronch removes the bitterness in the chocolate. The injector pipes the perfect amount of chocolate in the bar models. finally you put the chocolate in to the fridge for 10 minutes.

    • 11th June 2020 at 3:37 pm

      Hi Sadia,

      Check your capital letters! Don’t forget the basics!

      You have used time conjunctions to link the steps – well done.
      Did you include the technical terms for the steps – tempering, conching, harvesting etc?

      What does ‘partials’ mean?

      Mrs Millard XX

  • 11th June 2020 at 1:46 pm

    cocoa grows on trees in different countries that are near the equator . The beans that are inside the pods break and then they scoop the beans out . they are cleaned. the mill takes away the nibs and the shell of the beans. The nibs and shell are then ground are produce cocoa mass . sets of paddle mix and heat the chocolate in order to turn into a liquid .Next the liquid chocolate is left to harden moulds

    • 11th June 2020 at 3:38 pm

      Hi Alex,

      Make sure that your work starts with a capital letter! All sentences should too!
      Did you include the technical terms for the steps, like I explained?

      Mrs Millard XX

  • 11th June 2020 at 2:21 pm

    I have stated a presentation which I will send when finished
    3/7 of 56=24
    9.8 of 2.7=7.2
    Look at tenths if it 4 blow you round down 5 up round up
    7.21=7.2 because the last number is 1 sp round down
    Whole number is the number before decimal so that was the number u round
    I done spellings and got 10 out of 15

    • 11th June 2020 at 3:42 pm

      Hi Logan,

      How is your brother today?

      I can’t wait to read your English work.

      Well done on your spellings too.

      Maths – remember that I included the answers so that you could mark them. Could you number questions as it helps when I mark them.

      Double check question 3 – 9.8-2.7.
      Great answers – well done!

      Mrs Millard XX

      • 11th June 2020 at 4:41 pm

        Hi Mrs Millard my brother is still poorly
        Ok I will number them next time.
        I have emailed the start of my english work can you tell me what you think please

        • 11th June 2020 at 6:28 pm

          Hopefully he’ll get better soon.

          Thanks Logan.

  • 11th June 2020 at 2:23 pm

    1.= 162
    5. you round the numbers above 0.5 to the highest number then the numbers below 5.0 is to the lowest number.
    6. 3,5, 7
    10.It would round o 7.3 because 21 is higher than 5.
    11. 7.4,3.0,4.4
    13. She has rounded to the nearest tenth instead of the nearest whole.
    14.7.0. and 8

    • 11th June 2020 at 3:54 pm

      Hi Sadia,

      Remember that I included the answers so that you could mark them.

      Mrs Millard XX


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