Year 3 – Monday 8th June 2020
Welcome back everyone.
We hope you had a relaxing weekend.
Let’s hope the rain goes away and we have some lovely sunshine this week.
We will be updating the blog with English, Maths and wider curriculum tasks every day at 9am.
If you haven’t finished all of the work in your learning packs which we sent home then feel free to continue with these.
Don’t forget, we don’t expect you to be doing school work all day, every day!
It’s important to take regular breaks, get outside and stay healthy (especially if the sun is shining).
If you can’t get outside, Joe Wicks is still doing his P.E. lessons on his Youtube channel every morning at 9am.
(Miss Lindop STILL hasn’t missed a single session since Joe began back in March)
Find them here:
Remember you can also email any pictures of your work or questions you might have to us on
We look forward to seeing your responses throughout the week.
Mrs Beckwith, Miss Lindop, Miss Barden and Miss Willmer.
Here are today’s tasks:
Miss Kinsella has asked us to tell you about this year’s Summer Reading Challenge.
This year it will be virtual!
This year’s theme is Silly Squad!
It launched on Friday and you can sign up by going to:
Also, if you ask an adult to follow the Summer Reading Challenge Facebook page, you will get to watch videos from different authors that might suggest a book that you would like to read.
We will be setting reading tasks on the blog to help you with the Summer Reading Challenge.
We want to see as many of you get involved and hopefully this year we can take first place.
Follow the link to the BBC bitesize lesson.
Watch the video and then have a go at activity 1 and 2.
Maths Challenge:
Follow the link and watch the video.
Once you’re done answer these questions:
- What is the Koran?
- What are the followers of Islam known as?
- What language is the Koran written in?
- What does Koran mean in Arabic?
- What does Allah tell Muslims in the Koran?
Finished? Have a go at these activities too…
Daily Riddle:
Answers for the riddle will be revealed tomorrow, so make sure you check.
Friday’s answer: A deck of cards.
Today’s problem: There is a rooster sitting on top of a barn. If it laid an egg, which way would it roll?
Spot the Difference:
Answers for the Spot the Difference will be revealed tomorrow, so make sure you check. There are 8 differences today.
Friday’s answers:
Today’s problem:
Crystal Explorers:
Have a go at this game – you can choose any of the sections but the spellings would be a good place to start.
Story Time:
This week, we are starting a new book. If you miss any chapters throughout the week then you will need to catch up. We are going to be listening to Charlotte’s Web.
1) a prisonReading:
1) a prison
2) a. Daedalus builds a giant maze. b. Theseus asks Daedalus to help him slay the Minotaur. c. Daedalus arrives in Crete. d. Daedalus and Icarus escape using wings.
3) a. Daedalus has a son Icarus. b. Daedalus was asked to become the Kings Master Craftsman. c. Icarus flew to close to the sun. d. The giant maze trapped the Minotaur.
4) an eagle
5) genius
6) Icarus went close to the sun.
7) Not really.
Maths Challenge:
David will get 36p change.
The Koran is the holy book of Islam.
There are called Muslims.
It means the collection.
It tells Muslims how to behave and worship Allah.
You should change your Email and password and before anything tell your Parents the your Email and password.
Daily Riddle:
There is a rooster sitting on top of a barn. If it laid an egg, which way would it roll?
It didn’t because roosters don’t lay eggs.
David will receive 0.36 pence change.
0.32 p + 0.32 p = 0.64 p
£ 1.00 – 0.64 p = 0.36 pence
In this situation you should tell a trusted adult and think of a new password.
Q1) The King Minos asked Daedalus to build the prison.
1 – Daedalus arrives in Crete
2 – Daedalus builds a giant maize
3 – Theseus asks Daedalus to help him to slay the Minotaur
4 – Daedalus and Icarus escape using wings
Daedalus has a son called Icarus.
Daedalus was asked to become King’s master craftsman.
Icarus flew too close to the sun.
The giant maze trapped the Minotaur.
Daedalus thought that Icarus looked like flying eagle.
Genius means really clever.
The feathers fall from Icarus wings because he was flying too close to the sun and they started to melt.
Q7) Yes, I would like to try Daedalus’s wings, because sometimes I wish I could fly high up to the sky.
I will tell a guardian or parent if someone done that.
Maths challenge:
The main answer is 50p.
Daily riddle:
No where because roosters dont lay eggs.
1. They invevented a prison.
2.Deadalus arrives at Crete.
Deadalus builds a maze.
Theasus asked Deadluus to slay the prisinor
Daedalus and Ircarus escape by wings.
3 a) Daedalus son is called Icarus.
b) Icarus flew too close to the sun.
c) Daedaelus became the kings craftman in the palace.
d) The king trapped the monitour.
4. An eagle.
6. Icarus went to close to the sun.
7. No, because its dagerous going close to the sun.
A prison
1. Daedalus builds a giant maze
2. Theas asks Daedalus to help him slay the minotaur
3. Daedalus arrives to the Crete
4. Daedalus and Icarus escape using wings
Daedalus has a son called Icarus
Daedalus was asked to be the king master craftsman
Icarus flew to close to the sun
The maze trapped the monitor
a god
because he was to close to the sun
no because it will melt if you go to close to the sun
His change is 46 pence
He has 36 pence change
1) He asked him to make a prison
2) Daedelus arrives in crete, he builds a maze, Theusus asks him to slay the monitor.
3) I don’t think that I am able to do number 3. Sorry.
4) He thought he looked like an eagle.
5) Another word word for really clever is Genius.
6) He flew too close to the sun.
7) No because I don’t want Corona Virus.
Maths Challenge:
He will receive 26p change
Change your password and report them to the Headteacher