Wednesday 20th May 2020 – Writing Task
Good morning Year 4,
Today you will be writing a newspaper report based on the Battle of Hastings. You should have a plan from yesterday or if you look back at yesterday’s blog you can do a quick plan and research before you do today’s task.
I have added a template you could use.
Here are some things to think about. Please write in your own words, avoid copying the one from our reading comprehension on Monday. We will be checking! This is your work.
- A catchy, short and snappy headline – avoid using Battle of Hastings this is a title and tells the reader too much!
- an introduction – using the 5 w’s – who, what, when, where, why
- information about the events before, during and after the Battle of Hastings – use fronted adverbials with a comma.
- add a picture with a caption (describes the picture)
- write in third person – he, she, him, her, them, themselves, they, herself, himself.
- write in past tense
- use directed speech – remember inverted commas
- a conclusion to show what migt happen next – future tense. (will, going to…)
- use columns
Look forward to reading your newspaper report.
The Year 4 Team.
how could i do the yesterdays plan i dont have yesterdays plan and i forgot what i wrote so i cant do this or i have to do the plan all over again i did it on a peace of paper and then i forgot that peace of so i dont know my plan
your funny kristers
About 1000 years ago people started saying the king was slain. It happened in the centre of England
they killed the king and everybody else so they could rule the entire part of England. they were killed
As the sun was rising, an expected attack had happened where England were getting chased by the Normans they were in panic mode they didn’t know what to do but fight. after a while, England were getting dominated the only way they could have won is by stop attacking he past and they would not have got themselves in this much trouble. one of the men said ” why can’t are men just surrender we know we have lost “suggested the men. the Normans really to kill the king of England
I think 1 of the people had survived the fight and what is going to happen is he is going to get other people to recruit the England army and defeat the nasty Normans.
Thank you Talal.