Reception Home Learning Friday 1st May
Well Children it is Friday! The last day of the week and the first day of the new month! It is now May.
April has been quite exciting with Mrs Tucker’s robin’s eggs hatching, I wonder what May will bring…
We have been so impressed with all your work this week and the knowledge you have shown about shadows and rain and the research you have been doing in to the robins! Thank you to your parents and carers for sharing with us. We have sent out so many certificates this week, we hope you liked them.
If you are having any problems or would like to discuss anything with us at all, remember you can contact us on
Today we thought we would share with you some of the amazing work we have had in – parents/carers if you are happy for us to show pictures with your child on plesase send us a message giving your permission.
And a big thank you to Leo for sharing a lovely video about his pet Gigi with us 🙂
We have had a lot of rain this week, but that is ok as we know that it is important for lots of things. I think most of us like the sun better though, so can you tell your grown up what you are looking forward to doing outside when the sun comes back? Talk in full sentences and see if you can make your sentences intersting by using those exciting words (adjectives). One of my sentences would be “I can’t wait for the bright, warm sun to come back so that I can go out into my pretty garden and plant some tiny seeds.” If you wanted to write your sentence down and send it to us we would love that! or a video of you talking 🙂
Read Get up –
Read: rocket 2 – he, she, me, we, be, put, was.
Write: the, was, to, go, into, we how many can you remember now?
Read: (or re-read) An Odd Bug –
Read Rocket 4: said, have, like, so, do, some, come
Write Rocket 3: you, they, all, are, my, her
Read: Light and Shadow – this book has the ‘ow‘ sound in as in shadow. Tell the children about it before they read the book and see if they can spot it and read it.
Introduce Rocket 5:
were, there, little, one, when, out, what – help the children to read them, then practice writing them.
Have a fantastic weekend with your families – we look forward to hearning from you next week! 🙂
Alex said that: “When the sun will be out and it will be warm again, he will have water play in the garden and spray water onto his sister with his water gun!” 😉
alex said that when the sun will be out and it will be warm again he will have water play in the garden and spray water onto his sister with his water gun.
What a fantastic idea – I don’t like the rain and am looking forward to it being sunny again. Alex (and mum) you are doing so well with your home learning. All the Reception team are so proud of you. Mrs Tucker xxx
Thank you so much Mrs. Tucker for your lovely comment and fantastic book reading☺️Alex absolutely loved the book you read about “Pizzas for Pirates” and as soon as he saw you eating all of these goodies, he asked me for some jelly beans and marshmallows, so now they’re on a 1st place on my shopping list ☺️
Thank you! My son helped me record that one and it made us laugh too!