Thursday 23rd April – Year 6
Look at this picture:
Write a newspaper article about the discovery of this woolly mammoth. Where did it come from? Why is it there? Etc.
(Hint: Use Captain America’s story as inspiration if you are stuck!)
Now all you have to do is work out which number should go in the fourth triangle.
To give you a clue you have to do something (or some things) to the three numbers round the outside of the triangle to get the number in the middle.
You then have to use the same rule for all of the triangles.
Take some time to read through the PowerPoint.
Now look at some more examples:
Now create some of your own graffiti (on paper obviously!). You could create your own tag using your name or take some ideas from the pictures on the PowerPoint or the pictures above.
Extra task:
Today a scientist discovered a wolly mammoth from a water fall whilst he was passing to the ocean.
This mammoth is spectacular and very huge with large feet .This discovery was thrilling for the scientist and now this mammoth is inside the animal lab getting sorted. The scientist have confirmed that this mammoth has lost his mother so they will help him find his mother and they will for sure let him free.
We have reports that an extinct woolly mammoth has been discovered in the Artic in a giant block of ice. This woolly mammoth has a very special story, it is around 4000 years old. Scientists are predicting that it fell into the water and has frozen in it over a period of time.
We have a few quotes of what people thought about this marvellous creature, “This is such an incredible sight!”
“What a historical creature and this is a historical moment too!” Scientists are seeing if they could bring this woolly mammoth back to life ( this will mean that woolly mammoths will no longer be extinct).
extra task :
ask an adult for help
Why do you think it might have been denied?
Breaking news this morning a scientist descovered a new species. He found some sort of elephant stuck in ice we have yet to discover what it is stay tuned!
The last triangle = 7
Maths I don’t know
I had a hard think about the maths and I found that the final triangle is 7. You have to times the bottom left by the top and take away the bottom right.
answer = 7
The picture is of a mammal stuck in ice and it looks like the person in the picture has discovered it. The mammal have probably been there for a while because I think that animal is extinct and they have found it in a huge block of ice.
Last triangle is 7
breaking news a unknown male has discovered the missing wooly mammoth trying to break threw the ice trying to survive what will everyone do
‘Breaking news!!!’
An unknown Male has discovered earlier today, The extinct Wooly Mammoth it was grey it was old it was about to die. Everyone was trying to save it they wanted to make history for the rest of lifetime. Later in the day it was gone, some people say what if someone wanted it to themselves what if…….
Breaking news this morning a scientist descovered a new species. He found some sort of elephant stuck in ice we have yet to discover what it is stay tuned!
Are you able to add a quote?
Are you able to add a quote from an eyewitness?
extra task: leave it and tell somebody
Who could you tell?
In miner detail basically you times the top digit and the left bottom digit and then whatever that may be you will subtract the other number of it
The Mammoth had been found in Antic , because Mammoth live in the antic. The proboscideands has lived for around 5 million year ago, scientists had found ten skeletons of this creature.
The Mammoth is 13 feet tall and weighed 6 tons.
I would ignore it and tell an a adult
Hi all.
Earlier this week a group of archaeologists found a frozen mammal stuck in ice and were amazed because this is exactly what they were looking for; could this give more evidence about the ice age or unlock more history?
The leader contacted us and said “Me and the team have done it; we found what could lead us to the answer of how these animal speises went extinced and why.There are multipule reasons on how and why they died off and the mammal it self could be mummified because of how long it has been in there! Futhermore, the mammal is possably 400,000 years old and froze to death because of the extream tempretures it was then. To find out more we need to wait a month for it to defrost then we can find out more.
Head of team Leah
By Freya : D
I am not sure how to work it out but I will get my mum to help me later because she is working now
art: I will email my work later miss k
Great newspaper article Freya. I look forward to seeing your art work.
extra task:
tell an adult and come off the website
Breaking news this morning a scientist descovered a new species. He found some sort of elephant stuck in ice we have yet to discover what it is stay tuned!
Scientists have found a woolly mammoth frozen into the icy cliff side.
The scientists have carved the mammoth out of the ice and took it to the laboratory to do some experiments on it.
They would need to keep it in a very cold room since mammoths were originally from the artic.
Extra info
Mammoths are like elephants but they have brown fur
Do you think the mammoth went in to the ice recently?
The answer is 7
Extra task
Tell my mum or dad the get of the website
8×2 =16
Massive mighty mammoth found!!!
A Woolley mammoth has been discovered in the vast arctic by a team of brave explorers, they had searched for a week before they made the exciting discovery.
The mammoth has been perfectly preserved in the ice since the ice age.
It’s closest living relative still in existence is the elephant, the scientist hope to learn as much as possible about this prehistoric mammal.
Now they must undertake the mammoth task of excavating it from its icy tomb to conduct further tests on this magnificent beast to give incite into what it’s life was like when this mighty beast walked the earth.
Breaking news this morning a scientist descovered a new species. He found some sort of elephant stuck in ice we have yet to discover what it is stay tuned!
Extra task:
Tell a parent or guardian and then turn off the laptop and move away.
early in the morning scientists from the Northampton Lings Primary School made a shocking discovery.
A mammoth with live D.N.A,the lead cloning director says ‘We could make a full clone of a woolly mammoth and who wouldn’t want to see a woolly mammoth.’ but James the manager/zoologist says ‘To keep a woolly mammoth alive it would be expensive, it would require its food,water, the ventilation and the huge habitat. So it would not be able to live here.’
later tomorrow we will have a debate of what we should do with the D.N.A.
We will keep you updated as this story develops.
Today a young man aged 25 discovered a woolly mammoth it came to the conclusion it was found in a glacier all the way in greenland it was quite a surprise to the man as he said ” never go looking for things its not worth looking for the mammoth scared the day life out of me so i fainted ”.