Monday 30th March – Year 5
Good morning Year 5 – I hope you and your families are all keeping well.
Here are your tasks for today:
- Reading
a) Tell us what you have been reading for the last week. We need to see:
- The days that you have read
- What you have read (book, pages etc.)
- A brief description or comment about your reading
- Anything that you have learnt
- Any other comments, questions or queries that you may have.
b) Write a book review for a book that you have recently read. This should include:
- Title, author and whether it is fiction/non-fiction
- Star rating (out of 10) and reasons why
- A description of the book – describe characters, plot, settings
- What you liked/didn’t like
- Who you would recommend this book to. Who would it be suitable for? Age/interests
- An illustration from the book. If it is fiction, use your imagination and the description in the text to create your own illustration of any scene. This can go into your home learning pack.
- Examples of literary effects – similes, metaphors, alliteration, personification, onomatopoeia
- The story could be better if…….
2. Maths
Show examples of calculation (all 4 operations) to an adult, explaining your methods. Choose your own numbers – remember to challenge yourself and don’t pick any that you can calculate mentally.
- Addition – the Year 5 expectation is that you add numbers of more than 4 digits.
Extra challenge – can you also try adding numbers with a different amount of digits, adding more than 2 numbers and also including decimal numbers (maybe with a different amount of decimal places)?
- Subtraction – again, the Year 5 expectation is subtracting numbers of more than 4 digits. Try to ensure that you will need to exchange with the numbers that you choose.
Extra challenge – subtracting numbers with a different amount of digits, using decimal numbers with a differing amount of decimal places.
- Multiplication – the Year 5 expectation is that you will multiply a number up to 4-digit by a one and two digit number (short multiplication is when you multiply your number by one digit and long multiplication is when you multiply it by two digits).
- Division – the Year 5 expectation is that you will divide a number up to 4-digit by a one digit number.
Extra challenge – can you also divide it by a 2-digit number?
3. Geography
What are the threats to our natural resources? How many ideas can you think of?
Have fun and well done to those of you who are regularly completing you activities and posting each day – keep up the great work!
Mrs Millard XX