English – Grammar – Thursday 28th January

Today, you are going to learn about phrases and clauses.

Read the information below to learn about what phrases and clauses are, as well as the differences between main and subordinate clauses.

Now have a go at the activities below. Practise recognising and using them.

Activity 3

Can you write three phrases, three main clauses and three subordinate clauses?

You should spend about 30 minutes on this.

9 thoughts on “English – Grammar – Thursday 28th January

  • 28th January 2021 at 9:39 am

    English Grammar:
    Activity 1
    1. clause
    2. clause
    3. phrase
    4. phrase
    5. phrase
    6. clause
    7. clause
    8. phrase
    Activity 2
    1. main clause
    2. main clause
    3. main clause
    4. main clause

  • 28th January 2021 at 10:08 am

    Some wierd people, There are akward cows, The are different
    Some weird people are eating. The akward cows are mooing. They are different because they don’t have limbs.

  • 28th January 2021 at 10:54 am

    1. Phrase
    2. Phrase
    3. Phrase
    4. Clause
    5. Clause
    6. Phrase
    7. Phrase
    8. Phrase

    9. Main
    10. Subordinate
    11. Subordinate
    12. Main

  • 28th January 2021 at 12:15 pm

    Activity 1
    1 phrase
    2 clause
    3 phrase
    4 clause
    5 phrase
    6 clause
    7 phrase
    8 phrase

    Activity 2
    1 main clause
    2 subordinate
    3 subordinate
    4 main

    Activity 3
    A good game
    For two days
    In a few hours
    I went running.
    I do karate.
    I have a pillow.
    Because I flicked the lights on
    Even though I went to school
    Had a bike

  • 28th January 2021 at 1:38 pm

    activity 1.









    activity 2.

    m clause

    m clause

    s clause

    m clause

  • 28th January 2021 at 2:40 pm


    Activity 1
    throught the forest – phrase

    took ages to rise – clause

    for four days – phrase

    The doctor did a thorough examination of the patient
    and decided he would need to rest – clause

    there are a huge number of people – phrase

    lurked a menacing monster – clause

    all through the night – phrase

    for my dream holiday – phrase

    Activity 2
    I have violin lessons – main clause

    If you want to improve – subordinate clause

    even when it’s the school holiday – subordinate clause

    Ben went swimming – main clause

  • 28th January 2021 at 2:57 pm

    Activity 1.
    1. The knight fought his way through the forest. CLAUSE.
    2. The large batch of dough took ages to rise. PHARSE.
    3. For four days the child had a terrible hacking cough. PHARSE.
    4. The doctor did a thorough examination of the patient and decided he would need some rest for at least a week. PHRASE.
    5. There are a huge number of people living in the Borough of Barnet. PHRASE.
    6. Above the castle lurked the a menacing monster. CLAUSE.
    7. All through the night the rain fell. CLAUSE.
    8. I’d like to go to Disneyland for my dream holiday. PHRASE.
    Activity 2.
    1. I have violin lessons although I have not been playing for very long. MAIN CLAUSE.
    2. If you want to improve, you must practice a lot. SUBORDINATE CLAUSE.
    3. I practice at the weekend, even when it’s the school holidays. MAIN CLAUSE.
    4. Ben went swimming, even though he was tired. MAIN CLAUSE.
    Activity 3.
    Subordinate clauses.
    If you want to learn guitar, you must have practice.
    If you want to swim, you must be with a coach.
    Even though she was tired, she still went running.
    Main clauses.
    I practice every day, even when its my day off.
    I go to have fun with family, even when people tell me I shouldn’t.
    I go to school every day, even when I don’t want to.
    The large dough took ages to deliver to the house.
    I’d like to go to Disneyland Florida for my dream holiday.
    The doctor wanted something from me.

    (This information is not all true).

  • 28th January 2021 at 5:31 pm

    Activity 1 Phrase or Clause
    1. Phrase
    2. Clause
    3. Phrase
    4. Clause
    5. Phrase
    6. Clause
    7. Phrase
    8. Phrase

    Activity 2
    1. Main clause
    2. Subordinate clause
    3. Subordinate clause
    4. Main clause

  • 29th January 2021 at 11:47 am

    The answers are:
    Activity 1
    1. Phrase
    2. Phrase
    3. Phrase
    4. Clause
    5. Clause
    6. Phrase – tough one his as it looks like a clause as there is a subject but a clause should make sense on is own and this doesn’t.
    7. Phrase
    8. Phrase

    Activity 2
    1. Main clause
    2. Subordinate clause
    3. Subordinate clause
    4. Main clause


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