Pre-School Home Learning Friday 15th January

Good morning children,

We hope you are all well. Today is Friday, that means it is the last day of the week! We hope you have enjoyed all of the gingerbread themed activities this week! We have loved seeing your videos and photos on Tapestry, as well as, seeing you on zoom for our daily registration! Keep up the hard work everybody.

A very big thank you to parents and carers for supporting the children with their remote learning. We appreciate how difficult it can be to juggle it all, especially with more than one child at home. Remember, we are here for you too and if there is anything we can do to support you please let us know. We are always at the end of an email or phone call!

Home Learning


For the listening activity today you will need your listening ears. Today we are visiting the wood! In the video you will hear the sound of an animal. Using a full sentence, can you tell your grown up what you can hear. Your sentence needs to start with “I can hear…”


Today children we have 2 number activities counting with Mrs crane and number matching with Mrs Allen.

Mrs Crane would like you to help her counting with number songs, five speckled frogs and five little men in a flying saucer. Also a new one that we haven’t sang before 5 elephants went out to play.

Hope you enjoy counting and singing.




Here is the second one from Mrs Allen. Can you help Mrs Allen put the gingerbread men back in the correct number order? The cheeky gingerbread men ran away when Mrs Allen got them out of the oven! Here is a video of Mrs Allen explaining what happened!


Its friday so here is another fun musical movement game with Mrs Whitestone’s children. Listen carefully to the instructions Mrs Whitestone gives and don’t forget to freeze when the music stops!


Speech and Language

Mrs Allen has a memory game for you to play today and she will give you all the instructions for the game in the video. We hope you enjoy the game. How many objects you can remember?

Story Time

Mrs Webb has a beautiful story for you all today called ‘What makes me a me?’.

Art Challenge

We thought that it would be lovely to set you a little gingerbread man art activity. Using resources that you have at home, can you make a gingerbread man or a gingerbread house. You can create it any way that you like. You could use playdough, draw your house or man, paint it, make a collage or do a junk model using recycling. Once you have finished send us your photos on Tapestry. Maybe you could also tell us about what you have made.

Well done everyone for another wonderful week. You have all been superstars and we are all very proud of you. Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

The Preschool Team

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