Yr 4 RE
Good afternoon everyone,
In RE, we are going to be continuing our learning on Hinduism.
Please watch the clips below:
Answer the following questions in the comment box below:
How is this similar different to other places of worship that you have been to or seen before?
Why do people try to make places of worship beautiful?
What is the Hindu’s place of worship called?
What might you find there?
What questions would you like to be answered about Hinduism or their places of worship?
I am testing the blog
It works!
1) How is this similar / different to other places of worship that you have been to or seen before?
– You have to take your shoes off and ring the bell before you can enter to the temple. In the Catholic Church you don’t have to do this.
– In Catholic Church we worship 1 God existing under 3 persons ( this is called: Holy Trinity) and they are: Father, son Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit. We also worship The Blessed Virgin Mary – mother of Jesus Christ. In Hindu temple they you can worship many gods and goddesses.
– Our God is represented by a male person whereas in Hindu the idea of God is in a female representation – Goddess.
– Praying to the God by visiting a church or a temple
– We also have paintings, artefacts and figures representing Jesus Christ and The Blessed Virgin Mary
– The Catholic Church is also decorated in bouquets of flowers and candles
– We also have sacred rituals that remind us of the God existence.
– sprinkling of water on the forehead – a symbol of purity during Baptism in the Catholic Church
2) Why do people try to make places of worship beautiful?
People want to make the places of worship beautiful to thank God for everything He gave them.
It’s to show they are being grateful.
3) What is the Hindu’s place of worship called?
Hindu’s place of worship is called : mandir ( a temple )
4) What might you find there?
Figurines of Gods and Goddesses, icons / symbols, pictures, flowers and fruits ( coconuts / bananas ).
We can also find coloured powder to mark the forehead to awaken spirituality.
5) What questions would you like to be answered about Hinduism or their places of worship?
I don’t have any more questions.
Superb responses to your RE task, well done Maja.
People try to make the place of worship called Mandir festive because it is were GOD himself comes but we cannot see him. We can see GOD only by meditating. We can see idols of Goddess and Gods you can also see symbols (OM written in Sanskrit). We use fruits and flowers as a giving to GOD for what he has dun for us to live.
Some extra info.
GOD means;
G for Generator that is Lord Brahma.
O for Operator that is Lord Vishnu.
D for Destroyer that is Lord Shiva.
Some great understanding here, Maharshi. Good job!
How is this similar different to other places of worship that you have been to or seen before?
churches are less colourful, churches are bigger, here shoes are removed and people wash to remove impurities.
Why do people try to make places of worship beautiful?
beautiful so that people can celebrate god.
What is the Hindu’s place of worship called?
The Hindu’s place of worship is called a temple.
What might you find there?
statues, people sharing thing, people giving offering to god.
What questions would you like to be answered about Hinduism or their places of worship?
why do hndu’s put a dot on their forhead.
Good job, Ciaran. Also, what a fantastic question to further your understanding! Why don’t you ask an adult to help you google the answer and let us know? 🙂
The dot on their foreheads is known as a bindi . IT is a tradition that dates to the third and fourth centuries. the bindi is traditionally worn by women for religious purposes or to lndicate that they’re married.
What amazing research you’ve done there, Ciaran! Well done!
Also before entering the Mandir you take off your shoes for respect and ring the bell to tell GOD that I have come.
– You have to take your shoes off and ring the bell before you can enter to the temple. In the Catholic Church you don’t have to do this.
– In Catholic Church we worship 1 God existing under 3 persons ( this is called: Holy Trinity) and they are: Father, son Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit. We also worship The Blessed Virgin Mary – mother of Jesus Christ. In Hindu temple they you can worship many gods and goddesses.
– Our God is represented by a male person whereas in Hindu the idea of God is in a female representation – Goddess.
– Praying to the God by visiting a church or a temple
– We also have paintings, artefacts and figures representing Jesus Christ and The Blessed Virgin Mary
– The Catholic Church is also decorated in bouquets of flowers and candles
– We also have sacred rituals that remind us of the God existence.
– sprinkling of water on the forehead – a symbol of purity during Baptism in the Catholic Church
2) Why do people try to make places of worship beautiful?
People want to make the places of worship beautiful to thank God for everything He gave them.
It’s to show they are being grateful.
3) What is the Hindu’s place of worship called?
Hindu’s place of worship is called : mandir ( a temple )
4) What might you find there?
Figurines of Gods and Goddesses, icons / symbols, pictures, flowers and fruits ( coconuts / bananas ).
We can also find coloured powder to mark the forehead to awaken spirituality.
5) What questions would you like to be answered about Hinduism or their places of worship?
I don’t have any more questions.
Rosen, please make sure this is your own work. This is very similar to someone else’s work on the blog. You must try and have a go by yourself next time, please.
you have to wear no shoes just bear feet
to say thank you to show gratefulness to God
its called mandir a temple
you might find sculptures
why do you visit god in a temple
Great list here, Jaedon. Why not ask an adult to help you research the answer to your question?