Year 4 DT task week 10 18/06/20
Hi Year 4. Today we would like you to brush off your design brains! Follow the lesson from BBC bitesize above. We would like you to design a 3D room! This could be based on your own bedroom at home or it could be the bedroom of your dreams! You don’t need any special equipment, just use what is at hand e.g. used cereal boxes, toilet roll tubes, tin foil, colouring sheets (could be used as wallpaper!), tissue paper, felt tips, paints etc. Anything goes!
Alternatively, the activity at the end of this lesson is to design a mobile phone holder which you could have a go at instead. Happy designing!
Could u send me the link again because it won’t let me watch it
I’ll do it tomorrow because I have no boxes
Look forward to seeig it.
Do we have to use a half circle ruler because I don’t have one
Use what you can Rihanna
I’ll send u it tomorrow
Thank you.