Year 4 Science task
Year 4 Science – Classification and Keys
Using the above worksheets from Twinkl can you complete the two flow charts to decide which animal fits the description?
The second worksheet requires a question to find the correct animal.
Can you create an animal flow chart of your own?
As usual any photos taken please email to the usual address:
Animal Flow Chart Worksheet- Answers
Page 1
Name- Hargun Date- 24 April 2020
1. Yes, Yes-Bee
2. Yes, No-Butterfly
3. No, Yes, Yes-Spider
4. No, Yes, No-Beetle
5. No, No, Yes-Snail
6. No, No, No-Slug
Page 2
Name- Hargun Date- 24 April 2020
1. Yes-Does it belong to snow?
2. No, Yes-Can it come out of water on land
3. No, No-Can it make silk with web
Good work Hargun.
has it got a furry body?
butterfly yes slug no
have I got less than 8 legs?
bee yes the other no
have I got a shell?
sail yes spider nope
does this animal have wings?
A chicken has wing but on the other hand penguins do not
do i belong in the water?
ofcouse octopus belongs in the water and most frogs live in the water
do I belong in the water?
spiders do not live in the water also snails do not to
Well done Michael – are you sure penguins don’t have wings? Good to see you.
First flow chart:
animals which have got wings: both the butterfly and the bee have a fury body
animals which have got no wings but legs: both the spider and the woodlouse have MORE than 8 legs
animals which have got no wings and no legs: the snail has a shell and the slug has no shell
Second flow chart:
I do not understand the second flow chart
Both pinguin and chicken have got wings
Both the octopus and the frog are water animal
Both the spider and the snail are land animals
1. No, No, Yes-Snail
3.Yes, No,butterfly
4. Yes, yes,bee
6.No, no, no,Slug
Jayden it’s great to see you on here. Thank you for your response to Science. Try some of the other tasks on our blog!
Yes————–Has this minibeast got wings?———————————————No
| |
Has it got a furry body? Yes————————————Have I got legs?
| | | |
Yes No Have I got less than 8 legs? No
| | | | |
Bumblebee Butterfly Yes No Have I got a shell?
| | | |
Beetle Spider Yes No
| |
Snail Slug
Yes———————-Does this animal have wings? ——————————–No
| |
Does it like to swim? Yes———————–Do I belong in the water?
| | | |
Yes No Can it jump high? No
| | | | |
Penguin Hen Yes No Does it make webs?
| | | |
Frog Octopus Yes No
| |
Spider Snail
Has this minibeast got wings?
Has it got a furry body?
yes – Bumblebee
no- butterfly
Has this minibeast got wings?
Have I got legs?
Have I got less than 8 legs?
yes – beetle
no – spider
Have I got legs?
Have I got a shell?
yes – snail
no- slug
Does this animal have wings?
Does it like to swim?
yes – Penguin
no – Hen
Does this animal have wings?
Do I belong in the water?
Can it jump high?
yes – frog
no – octopus
Do I belong in the water?
Does it make webs?
yes – spider
no – snail
Mrs Denny
I do not get the animal flow chart.
Hi Brooke, let’s see if I can help. In the first sheet you have to decide what animal would go in the spaces. The pictures are at the bottom. So has the mini beast got wings? Follow yes two animals have wings then decide which one goes where for the next question and that will sort those two animals.
The second worksheet you have to think of a question to show the animals are different. If it helps draw the charts and email picture of your work to
Does that help?
Hope you are ok. Missing you.
Mrs Denny
has this mini-beast have wings
yes – ll yes no
has it got a fury body have i got less than 8 legs have i got legs
yes no
have i got a shell