Year 3 – Wednesday 22nd April 2020
Good morning, everyone!
It is Earth Day today which is a day where we focus on the Earth we live on and how we can look after it and all of the living things on it.
In between your home learning tasks for today, why not explore this website and discover lots of information and fun facts about Earth.
Thank you again for joining in with and completing the daily tasks on the blog.
If you are having a go at the tasks on paper or in books then do let us know what you’ve completed by commenting at the bottom of the page.
Here are today’s tasks:
Your task is to write a set of instructions on how to make your favourite sandwich/wrap/pitta/roll for lunch.
You need to think about:
- Everything you need to make your item (bread, filling, spread, equipment)
- Each step you take to make your item (you may need an adult to help you with this bit).
Once you have thought about this you need to make a list of things you would need and then give detailed instructions on how to make your chosen item so that if someone wanted to, they could make one just like yours.
Here’s an example of how Miss Lindop makes her favourite sandwich!
Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich
You will need:
- 2 slices of brown bread
- Butter
- Smooth peanut butter
- Raspberry jam
- Knife
- Plate
- First, get the 2 slices of brown bread and butter one side of each of them with the knife.
- Then, spread the peanut butter on one slice of bread on top of the butter.
- Next, spread the jam on the other slice of bread, on top of the butter.
- After that, put the two slices together so the jam and peanut butter are now touching.
- Carefully cut the sandwich into the desired shape (triangles are the best!).
- Finally, place your sandwich on a plate and enjoy!
This is a reminder that you can practice your times tables at:
Your username and password are in your packs.
You also have lots of worksheets to complete in your home learning packs.
If you can’t find your login, send the Year 3 team an email ( and we can send it to you!
Today we are going to be looking at adding money. It is important that you know the different ways to add it all up.
You could:
- find coins that make one pound and then what you have left over
- add up each coin or note until you’ve counted them all (remember not to keep numbers in your head, write it down!)
Have a look at this example:
Now have a go at these questions:
Maths Challenge:
Watch the video below paying close attention to the parts of a plant mentioned.
Once the video is finished you need to draw a plant, it can be any type or colour, and label the parts of the plant that are mentioned in the video with their jobs. We’ll give you a clue, you should have 4 things labelled!
Finished all of that? Want something else to do?
Let’s recap some of the things we did before the Easter break, have a go and see if you can remember your numbers and this time, you’ll be learning more than just 1-10!
Story time:
Want to do some reading but have read all of your books at home?
No problem! Listening to a story is just as good as reading one.
Dora spend 1£.5p
number one get a clean, shiny plate and a clean knife.
Number two get two slices of white bread.
Number three get two pieces of ham and a bit of cheese and put the ham and cheese on one of the pieces of bread.
Then put the other hard on top then cut it.
Then you can eat it at break.
A. £1.95
B. £9.90
C. £17.35
Challenge = £1.05
Roots, stem, leaves and flower. (petals) can’t put my picture up.
£1. 95
£9. 90
£7. 35
Dora spent £1.05 p on the 3 muffins 😋😋
Stem- supports water and nutrients all around the plants.
Leaves- help the plants make food for their selfs.
Roots- keep the plants in the ground and absorb water and nutrients.
Writing would need
1 wrap
2 chicken escalope / egg / bread crumbs / salt & pepper / chicken breast
Cut lettuce
.First you’ll need to get an egg break it and put it in a bowl and add. Salt and pepper
. Then you slice the chicken breast and dip it in the egg and bread crumbs and then fry it in a pan
. Wile the chicken is frying you wash and cut the lettuce
. When the chicken is ready warm and up the wrap for 20 seconds
. Then you cut the chicken and place on wrap add lettuce wrap , ketchup and mayothrn fold it up put f foil at the bottom and then eat
£ 1 95 p
£ 9 90 p
£ 17 35 p
Dora spent £1 & 5
Oh wow, that wrap sounds marvellous, Michelle! Well done! Miss Lindop and Mrs B 🙂
Title: How to make a tortilla wrap snack 🙂
You will need:
* 1 multi-seed tortilla wrap
* mayonnaise
* shredded lettuce
* 2-3 slices of ham
* red pepper + mild cheddar cheese + gherkins — cut into thin strips ( you will need at least 3 or 4 of each depending on the size of gherkins and peppers)
* plate
* knife
1) First, take 1 tortilla wrap out of the packet.
2) Then, place it on a plate and using knife spread thin layer of mayonnaise on a whole 1 side of tortilla wrap.
3) Next, place the shredded lettuce on the side where you put mayonnaise.
4) After that, put 2 or 3 pieces of ham on just 1 half of the tortilla wrap.
5) Then, on top of the ham using a knife spread a little bit more of mayonnaise.
6) After that, one by one place strips of red pepper + cheddar cheese and gherkins in 3 horizontal lines, so that you will have each ingredient below another .
7) Lastly, roll up your tortilla wrap starting from the side where you placed ham, cheese and vegetables. As you roll up, make sure to do it quite tightly.
8) To finish off, using knife, cut your rolled up tortilla wrap in a half and ENJOY!
Stem – supports the plant and transports the water and all the nutrients to the plant
Leaves – help to make food for the plant , just like mum makes food for her children 😉
Roots – help to keep plant in the ground and also absorb water and all the nutrients that plant needs in order to survive. Roots are like straws 🙂
Flowers – they need to smell and look nice to attract bees and butterflies that collect pollen
Sounds like a delicious wrap, Maja! Well done on the plants of a flower too! Miss Lindop and Mrs B 🙂
You will need:
1) First chop everything except the wrap.
2) Second add cheese on top of the wrap.
3) Next put cucumber and olive.
4) Then tomatoes.
5) At last the burger.
(A) The juice and the lemonade cost £1.95p
(B)The colours and the note book costs £9.90p
(C)The peanuts and strawberry cost £17.35p
Maths challenge:
Dora spent £1.5p or 105p.
Your wrap sounds lovely, Maharshi! Well done. Mrs B and Miss Lindop 🙂
a) £1.95p
Maths Challenge:
Dora spend £1.05p
Super responses, Stani! Keep up the good work. Miss Lindop and Mrs B 🙂
A. Juice and soda cost £1 95p (1£ 50p 20p 10p 10p 5p)
B.Colours and notbook cost 9£ and 90p (2£ 5£ 2£ 50p 20p 20p)
C.Biscuit and tomatoes cost £17 35p (10£ 2£ 5£ 20p 10p 5p)
Dora spent 1£ 5p ( 35p+ 35p+ 35p= 105p 105p=1£ 5p)